Jennifer Hannan AM is the State Director in WA for MacKillop Family Services. She has worked as a therapist (child, couple and family) and then as a Manager and Executive Director for a number of not for profit organisations including Relationships Australia, Centacare and Anglicare and now MacKillop Family Services over her 30+ year career. In Jennifer’s current position at MacKillop, she is responsible for all WA Services including their foster care programs which include innovative collaborations with Aboriginal organisations to provide Aboriginal carers for Aboriginal kids on country. Jennifer was past chair and board member of FRSA and Families Australia, served for 5 years on the Family Law Council of Australia as the community sector appointee and has current positions on the Department for Child Protection, Department (WA) Case Review Board and the Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre Board.
Diana MacTiernan has been on the NSCLC since 2012. Diana is a manager in the Equal Opportunity Commission WA and is part of the Corporate Executive. Diana has also held other voluntary administrative committee positions on not for profit organisations for over thirty years. Diana holds qualifications in urban social and industrial relations and has worked as an advocate for both unions and public sector agencies.
Toby joined the Board in 2020 and brings with him a background in community legal practice. Now working in academia, Toby teaches criminal and constitutional law, and is involved in several criminal, environmental and constitutional law research projects.
Allison holds a Bachelor of Business and is a qualified CPA with over 20 years’ experience. Her career has encompassed manufacturing, the public sector and the not-for-profit sector. Allison is Director Corporate Services for Anglicare WA. Her areas of responsibility have included finance, human resources, information technology, facilities, quality, risk and governance.
Allison also sits on the Board of the Family Inclusion Network WA (FINWA) and is a member of the WACOSS Finance Committee.
Rupert Johnson graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (history) and a Bachelor of Laws from Murdoch University in 1995. A graduate of The University of Western Australia, Rupert’s doctoral thesis Private Property Rights and the State. A Study of Regard and Increasing Disregard in Western Australia: 1829-2016 was successfully examined in 2017 as part of his Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) candidature. Rupert is admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Western Australia and the High Court of Australia, and has enjoyed a long association with the Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre (Inc) as a board member. Rupert’s writing has included contributions to The Laws of Australia, and the Australian Law Dictionary (Oxford University Press). He is presently contributing to a text on property law in Western Australia.
Kathy has worked across government and non-government services in health, social services and justice areas for over 30 years. She has a background in social work and studied law.
Kathy has volunteered on the boards of Tenancy WA and the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing before joining the NSCLC board. She has experience working in women’s health, family violence support, homelessness and law reform projects.