
We offer a range of community legal education sessions and can tailor the content to meet the needs of specific groups.  A summary of the sessions is outlined below but please contact us if you are interested in a different legal education topic.


How to go to court
Minor criminal offences
Drug offences
Criminal injuries compensation
Cyber awareness and scam prevention
Restraining orders
Traffic laws and driving
Dealing with police
Transit guards
Legal advice vs legal information
Fines and infringements

Housing and tenancy

Rights and responsibilities
Private rentals
Social housing
Disputes with landlords
Starting, during and ending tenancy


Family violence
Family violence restraining orders
Arrangements after separation (divorce, property settlement, children)
Care and protection law
Relocation and recovery orders
Preparing for trial

Young people

Healthy relationships
Dealing with police
Online exploitation
Forced Marriage
Your body and your rights

Older people

Elder abuse and ageism
Enduring power of attorney and guardianship
Advance health directives
Family agreements
Financial education
Education from peer educators/lived experience

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